Koktel Finom
Vacsora Kituno Tanczene
2004. november 6.
6:30 p.m.
Belepojegy $50 es kizarolag elorendelesban kaphato.
A Hunyadi Matyas Cserkeszcsapat immar 41 eve orzi,
apolja es adja tovabb gyermekeinknek a Magyar kulturat. Csapatunk jotekony celu es kizarolag onkentes
vezetokbol all. Kerjuk tamogassa a
Magyar kultura megorzeset jelenletevel a Cserkeszbalon es/vagy szives
The Hungarian Scout Troop of Chicago has preserved and
cultivated the Hungarian culture in our children for 41 years. We are a not-for-profit organization run
entirely by volunteers and funded solely through your generous
contributions. Please support your
Hungarian Scout Troop with your attendance or tax-deductible donation.
Scouting Annual Charity Gala
November 6, 2004, 6:30pm
Tickets are available only by advance reservation for
To be held at the:
Bristol Court Banquets
828 East Rand Road, Mount Prospect
Back by Popular Demand: The Continental
Dance Orchestra
Rendeles / Reservations: Pls.
call the Petrakovits-Szilagyi Family at (847) 965-8567
sziveskedjenek visszakuldeni: /Please RSVP by: October 23, 2004.
Bar Great Food Great Music