The Conquest of King Árpád
1996, Hungarians throughout the world celebrated the anniversary of the
establishment of their homeland in the Carpathian Basin in A.D. 896. However,
this date is incorrect due to the fact that this conquest took place in 895.
(The celebration of the millennium was postponed a year due to the fact that
Budapest's first subway was under construction. It was completed in 1896.) It
has been extensively debated in the past one hundred fifty years, not only just
what exactly took place before, during, and after the conquest, but just who
Árpád's people really were: what their origin was, what language they spoke,
whom they found in the Carpathian
Basin, and how many tribes or nations took part in this bold undertaking and so
forth. The following may shed some light on some of these questions.
(The author is aware of the discrepancies forwarded by the German
historian, Heribert Illig regarding
medieval history of Europe. Should Illig's proposition prove to be true, then
the dates in this study should be adjusted accordingly. In that case, Árpád's
people may have conquered the Carpathian Basin 300 years earlier.)
seems that the year 895 or 896 is arbitrary because the conquest of the
Carpathian Basin was not an exclusive and singular military undertaking.
According to some researchers, it was a process - perhaps beginning in 892,
but no later than 895 - extending their rule over
western Hungary (Pannonia, today's Dunántúl). The year 899 marks the end of their conquest; thus,
the year 895 seems the most realistic. In 894, Emperor Leo of Byzantine
established an alliance with King Árpád (or perhaps his father Álmos, who had
already been in alliance with Arnulf the Frankish emperor since 892) against
the Bulgarians. Byzantine ships carried some of Árpád's troops on the lower
Danube to the battlefield. The decisive battle was fought outside of the
southern Carpathian Mountains, along the Danube River, with heavy losses on
both sides. It is not known whether Emperor Leo was aware of Árpád's real
intentions or not, but he made peace with the Bulgarians while the fighting
went on. After the Bulgarians were defeated, Árpád's people began to move into
the Carpathian Basin, settling their families and livestock in the area.
the origin of Árpád's people has never been satisfactorily resolved. Therefore,
here is what is considered the most likely scenario: The Khazar writings
contain some mention of Árpád's people; the implication is that around 820 A.D,
Ügek (Árpád's grandfather) and his people were under their rule. This is
probably true to a certain extent because some of the nations/tribes, but not
all of them, were under Khazar rule. Indications are that the federation was
composed of two major ethnic groups of people; each may have spoken a different
tongue. The Sabir nations
Megyer, Tarján, Jenő and the partial Gyarmat were believed to have spoken Hungarian. The two Onugor
nations, Kér and Keszi, and the partial Kök-Türk Kürt nation spoke Turkish, and most
likely did the Nyék nation to, which
had close ties with the Sabir nations (these nations in the second group may
have been under Khazar rule). It is not clear whether Álmos or Árpád married
the daughter of the leader of the Nyék nation, but it slowly pulled away from
the Khazar Empire sometime after the marriage.
If the Onugor nations were under Khazar rule, they had no doubt pulled
away by the time of the Vérszerződés
(Covenant of Blood, Exhibit 16) which took place between the years 888-891 A.D.
- the
taking of this oath indicated that they were getting ready for the conquest of
the Carpathian Basin
Vérszerződés was an oath; two or more parties swear an oath in blood to
each other, for instance, that their friendship will never be broken or perhaps
to formalize the merging of two or more tribes into one nation. In the case of
Árpád's people, the oath was taken by the leaders of eight nations consisting
of perhaps two major languages or ethnic groups. This alliance was formed with
the intention of conquering the Carpathian Basin. Taking place at a time when
Árpád's father, Álmos, was still ruler, a massive undertaking was planned in
advance. They agreed to the following:
long as they and their descendants were alive, they would elect a leader from
the descendants of Álmos.
would all share equally in the land and goods they acquired.
The leaders, having elected Álmos to be their
king, made the decision of their own free will. Furthermore, neither they
themselves nor their descendants should ever be excluded from the central
ruling council and other leadership positions in the country.
anyone among their descendants were to become unfaithful to the king, or
conspire against him and his relatives, the blood of the guilty should flow
like theirs did in the oath they took to king Álmos.
anyone among King Álmos' and the other leaders' descendants were to violate the
agreements which they sealed with their oath, they should be cursed forever.
Exhibit 16: Covenant of Blood by Lajos Káy
seems like this agreement was done in the name of Democracy.
the Greek historian in the fifth century B.C. was probably the eyewitness to an
oath-taking much like the Vérszerződés, for he describes one such event in
great detail in his work on the Scythians. He wrote the following: "...a large earthen bowl is filled with
wine, and the parties to the oath, wounding themselves slightly with a knife or
an awl, drop some of their blood into the wine; then they plunge into the
mixture a scimitar, some arrows, a battle-axe, and a javelin, all the while
repeating prayers; lastly, the two contracting parties drink each a drought
from the bowl, as do also the chief men among their followers."
Exhibit 17. Flag from the XI century A. D. and the Hungarian Coat of
oldest Hungarian flag (Exhibit 17) from the XI century displays four red and
four white stripes, suggesting the original eight horka (head of the nations) had
made an alliance with one another. These nations are represented by the eight
stripes on the right side (left side facing it) of the Hungarian Coat of Arms.
Some researchers believe that the number of nations which took part in the
conquest may have been as high as ten. If so, they must have joined after the
oath-taking ceremony and were not full-fledged participants in the undertaking.
Sabir nations lived next to the Khazar Empire, just north of the Azov Sea. The
first mention of them was in 839, when their troops appeared in the lower
Danube region. This was around the time of Árpád's birth; within a couple of
decades, in 862, the young prince would lead the first military venture into
Pannonia. From this point onward, Árpád's people were a factor and force in
European politics and history.
to some historians, Árpád's people were forced out of their homeland, north of the Black Sea, by the advancing Patzinaks losing a
great number of their families and livestock. This cannot be substantiated;
yet, the string of successful military ventures beginning in the year 899
convincingly refutes this theory.
they established firm control over the newly acquired territory, Árpád's people
held the first national convention and divided the land between themselves, according to their contract agreed
upon in the Vérszerződés. The Onugor tribes chose to settle on the borders
of the newly conquered homeland and were in close contact with their new
neighbors. These neighbors called the newcomers Ungar or Hungar, relating them
to the Huns. This is most likely where our ‘Hungarian’ name
first came into being.
being debated is the size of the total population of the new alliance. In the
past, it was believed to have been between 200,000 and 500,000 people; however,
some put the figure much higher than this. Based on recent research, their
numbers most likely did not reach two hundred thousand. The reevaluation is
entirely reasonable. As Hungarian archaeologists excavated more and more
cemeteries from the 9-11th centuries, they began to recognize that
the numbers of the indigenous common people (the farmers erroneously thought to
be Slavs) were far greater than they ever imagined. A scholar in 1959 came to
the realization that, if these people
were Slavic speakers, the language of Árpád would have dissolved into their
language and the people of Hungary would not be speaking Hungarian today.
The problem was, and still is, that the artifacts of these common people cannot
be traced back to southern Ukraine where Árpád's people had come from.
Gyula László, a noted archaeologist,
has shaped an innovative theory: the possibility that perhaps the second wave
of Avars (who had moved into the Carpathian Basin around 670) were, in fact,
the first Hungarian speaking people. Here again, the problem was that the
artifacts of the Avars and the indigenous people in question were dissimilar;
they were not of the same stock biologically or culturally and these indigenous
people vastly outnumbered the combined population of the Avars and Árpád's
people. Furthermore, according to Chinese sources, the early Avars spoke mainly
the Turkish language, although they may also have had some Mongolian speaking
tribes. Some scholars believe that Árpád's people also spoke Turkish. No doubt
this has some truth to it as we see it. The question is then: who spoke
Hungarian? The three and a half nations of the Sabír people could not have been the language giver to all of the
people of the Carpathian Basin, even if they had spoken Hungarian. The presence
of the indigenous common people, the ancient settlers with their overwhelming
numbers, suggests that they were speaking the Hungarian language. The language,
or the languages of the Avars and Árpád's people, made their mark on the
Hungarian language, but they could not ultimately change it.
Based on archaeological evidence, it can be
stated that in the 10th century A. D. there were three major groups
of people in the Carpathian Basin: Árpád's people, the Avars, and the common
people or ancient settlers. Modern Hungarians are, therefore, the fusion of
these three major groups of people.
culture, the clothing (Exhibit 18), the structure of society, and the battle
tactics of Árpád's people were typically Hun in appearance -
similar to the Turkish at the time of the conquest. They were great warriors
and magnificent organizers. They have created a powerful nation, which for six
hundred years played a major role in European politics and history. Whether
they spoke Hungarian or not, whether the name Magyar could be attributed to
them or not, their accomplishment stands tall like a flag on the battlefield
and their memory is written in gold in Hungarian history. In 1996, all
Hungarians bowed their heads in respect and pride to the people of King Árpád!
The time has come for the revision of Hungarian history, especially in regard
to the origin of the Hungarians.
Exhibit 18: The clothing of Árpád’s people
955 A.D., the German Emperor's (Otto I)
son and son-in-law (Ludolf and Conrad the Red) revolted against the
Emperor, inviting the Hungarians to help. The Hungarians accepted the
invitation. By the time they reached Augsburg (Germany), unbeknownst to the
Hungarians, Ludolf and Conrad had made peace with Otto. The combined German
forces turned against the Hungarian forces and gained the upper hand. After the
Hungarians agreed to lay down their arms, they were massacred, some being
buried alive. The leader of the Hungarian campaign was Bulcsú, one of the greatest leaders and military tacticians of the
X century. The loss was staggering:
Bulcsú lost his life and his defeat in Augsburg marked the shift in Hungarian
foreign policy toward the West. From
this point onward, western military ventures ended; they continued eastward
towards Byzantine up until 970. Contrary to the belief still held by many,
looting and pillaging were not the major objectives of these Hungarian military
campaigns. They were politically motivated. Fully 94% of them were carried out
in alliance with some inviting party. For example; when the people of Tuscany
revolted against of Pope John X, he
called on the Hungarians for help.
972, Géza became the Hungarian King.
At this time, there were some ideological conflicts within the Christian Church
which led to its dissolution in 1054 into the eastern orthodox Byzantine and
the western Roman Catholic Church. Géza became the supporter of the politically
charged Roman Catholic Church, and set forth a western oriented foreign policy.
He sent for western priests to enter Hungary; most likely his children were
educated by one of them. In order to establish a firm western alliance, Géza's
son István (Saint Stephen) married Gizella in 995, the sister of the
Bavarian prince Henrich, whom later
became the German emperor as Henrich II.
died in 997, and István inherited the Hungarian throne. He continued his
father's westward-leaning policy with great enthusiasm and determination.
István brought German Knights into the country, appropriating a great deal of
lands, riches, and special privileges to them. His policy to exclude and
intimidate the old power structure from seeking leadership roles, in violation
of the Vérszerződés, led to his heavy reliance on these Knights for
protection. When Pope Sylvester II
ordered the confiscation and destruction of the objects written in the
traditional Hungarian runic writings
forbidding its use any further, the old power structure of leaders took
exception to that. It was an attack on the Hungarian culture; it was the
beginning of the conflict between the old and new. Koppány of Dunántúl in 999, Gyula
of Transylvania in1002, and Ajtony
of southern Hungary in 1003, took up arms not to defend the old way of life,
but to defend the culture. These
revolts were put down by István with the help of the foreign Knights. These revolts
have been characterized as "anti-Christian",
which is total nonsense. On the contrary, by this time the Hungarian nobility
was Christian and they were very tolerant of religious differences.